One of the facts we stress the most to parents regarding pinworms is that they are the most common intestinal parasite in the US. Even though pinworms can happen to anyone, there is a negative connotation that comes along with having a pinworm infection… Resulting in too few parents sharing their pinworm trials and tribulations.
Here is a list of some of the brave parents who have shared it all on the Internet. We hope their honest advice can bring some peace of mind to other parents as they face pinworm infections in their own homes.
The Team at Café Mom
Written by a mom who experienced four pinworm outbreaks in a row, this article covers Pinworm 101 and offers insights on alerting your child’s school to your pinworm situation. No one likes talking about their kid’s itchy behind (or the intestinal parasite that is causing it), but pinworms are incredibly contagious! This makes it so important to alert your child’s school or daycare of an infection.
Kristen Bell
Yes, even celebrity parents have had the displeasure of performing the pinworm tape-test on their children. Kristen Bell candidly discussed her then-3-year-old’s case of pinworms on an episode of The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale. She later took to Instagram to share some additional news – her daughter got pinworms a second time! What could be more relatable than that?
Tove Maren of Mama in the Now
One of our personal favorite mommy bloggers, Tove Maren of Mama in the Now first covered the itchy topic of pinworms in her blog post, ‘How to Treat Pinworms (almost) Naturally – FOR GOOD!’. This post discusses her experience with pinworms and provides advice to parents on what they should do if they find themselves having to go on what she refers to as a pinworm safari.
Since Mama in the Now wrote her first pinworm post, she has partnered with the team here at Reese to develop two additional resources on the topic, ‘10 Things to Do RIGHT NOW When Your Child Has Pinworms’ and ‘How to Prevent Pinworms in Kids and Adults’. If your family is facing a pinworm infection, we recommend reading them all!
Jessica Grose of The New York Times
In an article titled ‘Warning: Your Children Are Disgusting’, Jessica Grose discusses her encounter with pinworms and shares facts from her pediatrician on all the most important pinworm questions. From why pinworms come out tonight to how to treat a pinworm infection with over-the-counter Reese’s Pinworm Medicine, all the details are here.
Thanks to all these awesome parents for sharing the details of their run-in with pinworms. If your family is also facing a pinworm infection, Reese’s Pinworm Medicine is available over-the-counter at retailers across the US. Find the store location nearest you here.