There are multiple different types of parasitic worms’ humans can get. All parasites are living organisms that feed and survive via a host. Among the variety of worms there are flatworms, roundworms, and thorny-headed worms (spiny headed worms).
Keep reading to learn more about parasites and how to avoid becoming their host.
Tapeworms: a type of flatworm
You can get tapeworm by drinking water contaminated with tapeworm eggs and larvae. Additionally, you can get tapeworms by eating undercooked meat.
Tape worms find their way into your body by embedding their heads into the intestinal wall and remain there.
Hookworms: type of round worm
The hookworm is transmitted through contaminated soil and feces.
The most common way to be infected with hookworms is to run around the yard barefoot on soil that is contaminated with hookworm larvae.
These worms “hook” themselves into your intestine by attaching to the intestinal walls.
Pinworms: threadworms, harmless roundworms.
Pinworms are the most common intestinal parasite in the United States. It is safe to say that many families have had to deal with worms in kids from time to time. Although caregivers tend to be embarrassed when their children have pinworms, they shouldn’t be.
You can be infected with pinworm no matter how clean or diligent you are. An infection is passed from person to person and adults can carry eggs even if they have no symptoms. The worms will carry on their life cycle if they are not treated fast and efficiently.
The eggs of pinworms can survive on bedding, clothing, and a variety of materials. To be infected people must ingest the pinworms.
After pinworm eggs are ingested, they travel through the stomach to the large intestine. On the way, eggs hatch and reach sexual maturity. Adult female pinworms then migrate from the large intestine to the anal area, where new eggs are laid.
The egg-laying process typically happens in the middle of the night or early in the morning, which is why we recommend performing the “Scotch® Tape Test” after your child has gone to bed. It’s the best time to catch the little pests!
Adult pinworms look like a piece of thread. They are white in color and measure about 1/2” in length.
Dealing with Pinworms can be challenging and very frustrating, but with treatment like Reese’s Pinworm Medicine and diligent preventative measures, you can eliminate these pesky parasites. Seek out your healthcare professional for instructions and guidance during this challenging time. Trust in Reese’s Pinworm Medicine and take proactive steps to fight against the common childhood parasite.