Hello everyone, and welcome back. I hope you had an excellent summer vacation. As you get situated in your new seats, I trust you’ll find those around you to be welcome neighbors for the new school year. I appreciate the apple. Billy, it’s the first day, can we wait to stick gum under the desk? Ahem, anyway…together, we’ll be learning all sorts of things and our first lesson is Pinworm.
You’ve all been taught since a young age that sharing is good. And it is good! We should always think about sharing with those that might need something that we have and can spare, whether it’s a pencil, a story, or a hug. But! We must be careful. Like with anything, just doing it isn’t the same as doing it correctly.
Because what we might not realize is that the things we share can hide surprises we don’t intend to pass along, like bacteria, germs, or Pinworm!
Pinworm Lesson: Part One
Now, I know you’re all dying to get to long division, but bear with me for a moment.
I can see those creative little brains at work. You may be asking, why is it such a big concern now that I’m back in the classroom when I’ve been running around the neighborhood and playing in the woods with friends all summer?
It makes sense to think if you were going to pick up worms of some kind, it would be from the dirt. But Pinworm is a special little bugger.
They only affect humans, like you and me, and unfortunately, we pass them between us when we share items, clothes, food, and more. Now that we’re all back in school together, our chances of passing them go up a lot!
In fact, according to the CDC, “school-aged and preschool-aged children” are at the biggest risk.
Unlike the summer when you’re out playing with the same few friends, here at school you’ll be in contact with dozens if not hundreds of other kids.
Pinworm Lesson: Part Two
How can we live by the mantra that sharing is caring and still keep ourselves safe?
Don’t worry, the answer isn’t to wrap yourself in bubble wrap before school and never borrow a crayon again.
You probably already practice some of the ways to help prevent yourself from accidently passing an infection like Pinworm on to those you care about.
Now, I know I’m your teacher, but half of being smart is knowing when to defer to people who know more than you do. According to the Communicable Disease Guide for Schools and Child Care Settings, “Good hand hygiene is the best way to prevent pinworm infection.”
Show of hands! Who can tell me what good hand hygiene is? Oh, Billy was first. Trying to make up for the gum, I see. What do you say, Billy?
Washing your hands? That’s right! Good job, Billy! We’ll forget about the gum for now.
Washing your hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, touching sensitive parts of your body, or helping Mom with the laundry or making dinner is the number one way to make sure you don’t give these pesky little guys the room to grow.
If you want to be extra careful, you can use a fingernail brush when washing your hands to make sure you got everywhere they may be hiding.
Pinworm Lesson: Part 3
If you’ve practiced good hand hygiene and paid close attention to washing your hands before you touch your face or mouth, but still end up with Pinworm it can feel very frustrating.
That’s understandable! When we do our best to take care of ourselves and something still goes wrong, it may cause us to reconsider our tactics. But nothing will ever be as effective as preventing yourself from getting sick.
If you do get Pinworm, there’s an easy fix. Reese’s Pinworm Medicine was made with you kids in mind. It’s easy to take, tastes like banana, and will clear those little guys up so you can focus on what’s important: making sure you get an A in my class!